What’s your “period personality”?
•Posted on December 08 2018

Lets face it, everyone is different when it comes to their period. You might find yourself in one of these “period personalities” or a little bit in each. The first category I’m going to spotlight is the “Never Enough”. No matter what you do, you never seem to get it all under control. You use longer pads than everyone else, change them more often and loathe going to sleep. The pad for you: PUL backed pads. These wonders have a hidden flexible polyurethane laminate layer that makes it the closest pad to a disposable. These come in a variety of lengths, up to 16” or more. They do tend to cost a bit more than other reusable pads, but for peace of mind, it’s worth it! Look for sales on our PUL pads or buy a set and save money that way. We even have a whole section devoted to PUL pads, or check our Etsy shop for more, www.etsy.com/shop/spoiledsewrotten
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